As skin specialists, we understand how frustrating and distressing acne and scarring can be for many individuals. It’s important to recognize that acne is a common and treatable skin condition, and seeking professional help can make a significant difference in managing symptoms and preventing scarring.
In addition to medical or salon treatments , therapy can also be helpful in addressing the emotional and psychological impact of acne and scarring. Coping with the physical changes to one’s appearance can be difficult, and therapy can provide a safe and supportive space to process these feelings and develop coping strategies. We listen to our clients and help advise where we can.
If you’re struggling with acne or scarring, We encourage you to book in with ‘All About You’ We provide free skin consultations where we can advise and book in treatments that will help you.
Jane Iredale skincare makeup can be a great option for those who are dealing with acne-prone skin. Since acne-prone skin tends to be more sensitive and easily irritated, it’s important to choose makeup products that won’t exacerbate the condition or contribute to breakouts.
Jane Iredale makeup is non-comedogenic, which means it won’t clog pores or contribute to the development of acne. Additionally, many of the products in the Jane Iredale lineup are mineral-based, which means they contain natural ingredients that can be gentler on the skin than traditional makeup products.
Overall, Jane Iredale skincare makeup can be a great option for those dealing with acne-prone skin. However, it’s important to keep in mind that makeup alone is not a substitute for proper skincare and acne treatment. Be sure to follow a consistent skincare routine and work with us to develop a treatment plan that is right for you.
Consultations are available for both skincare and skincare makeup.