It is an advanced Cryotherapy innovation that is a fast, effective, safe and new solution for removal of skin imperfections. Procedures typically last from 5 to 30 seconds, so you can be in and out of the salon quickly
It emits a fine jet of Nitrous Oxide under high pressure, which allows the clinician to work with millimeter precision. This destroys the tissue by freezing the inter-cellular fluid, forming ice shards and crystals which rupture the membrane, thereby destroying the cell. That means there will be no collateral damage to healthy tissue. It’s so incredibly accurate and practical. Cosmetic procedures such as skin tags, milia and cherry angiomas are no longer being treated by many doctors on the NHS. With Cryotherapy you can now have these treatments here. The applicator is held as close as possible to the skin imperfection and moved quickly towards and away from it. This could be from 1-30 seconds, depending on the size and depth.
- Removes unsightly skin tags and age spots for that perfect finish
- Minimally invasive
- Skin Tags (Electrolysis service also to remove)
- Sun Damage
- Age Spots
- Milia
- Warts
- Cherry Spots
- Verrucae
The area treated is frozen by Cryotherapy. This kills the localised cells in the area which cause them to shrivel and die. The treated area may go darker over a few weeks, but will return to normal pigmented skin in about 6 weeks.
The duration of the treatment time will depend on the surface area and the thickness of the tissue being treated. Upon the clinical evaluation of the depth of the area, the clinician will choose an application time from 1 to 30 seconds.
The cost of treatment will depend on the clinic and the size of the area. Make an appointment with your clinician will discuss costs and assess your area.
Cryoptherapy is a relatively low-risk procedure. It delivers a freeze directly to the area, and not the healthy surrounding tissue. The Cryotherapy device is both CE and FDA registered.
There will be a pain sensation similar to a stinging nettle on the skin when the Nitrous Oxide reaches the bottom of the area. There might be a little residual stinging for a few minutes after treatment, this is normal.
Post-treatment, it is normal to feel a little sensitivity in the area. Individuals liken the sensation to sunburn. There is little aftercare for the treatment other than protecting the treatment area from damage or abrasion. Swimming or showering can be done as normal.
∙ Post-treatment, it is best not to apply anything to the area for at least 72 hours or until the skin surface is intact and not healing in appearance.
∙ We advise using aloe vera gel or arnica gel on the area to soothe any discomfort you may experience.
∙ Wash with cool water (at least tepid) and not hot.
∙ Keep the area clean and dry post-treatment.
∙ The treatment area should not be picked, scratched or rubbed vigorously at any point throughout your treatment course.
∙ If you are having a body treatment, we also recommend wearing loose clothing on the day of the treatment and up to 48 hours post-treatment.
∙ If you are using washing agents or any other topical products, please apply with care (delicately for at least 72 hours post-procedure).
∙ Avoid hot baths, hot showers or steams rooms or saunas for 72 hours.
∙ No alcohol consumption for at least 48 hours after your procedure. Eat a healthy balanced diet with adequate quality hours of sleep.
∙ Reduce smoking or try not to smoke post-treatment as this can reduce the healing of the skin.
We advise the following guidelines be followed for optimal results and safety of the surrounding skin tissue for the months following treatment:
∙ The skin should not be exposed to UV (sun exposure or tanning beds) for at least 6 weeks following treatment. Use of an SPF 50 plus is advised for when you are outside and in the sun for very short periods (i.e., necessary for daily life), however, sunbathing/sitting in the sun/tanning beds/prolonged sun exposure should be avoided altogether no matter what sunblock you are using for at least 6 weeks following treatment. (Please ask about the brands we stock/recommend).
∙ Do not use any products topically in the area without consulting your practitioner for at least 4 weeks post-procedure.
∙ We recommend that no other cosmetic treatment be carried out over the area for at least 2 weeks.
∙ Drink plenty of water (we recommend 2-3 litres per day depending on workload and heat stress). Hydrated bodies are efficient at clearing out toxins.
Potential Side Effects
∙ In some cases a blister may form over the treatment area, in the case that this occurs, please do not touch the area and ensure that the blister does not pop (to avoid scarring). This should reside after a few hours and is a normal reaction with some individuals post-treatment. In very rare cases where the skin surface is more delicate, the sensitivity of the skin may last for a few days or a couple of weeks.
∙ Scarring risks are rare, but there may be temporary lightening or darkening (hypopigmentation/hyperpigmentation) in the area. Both generally last for a few months and the change is more common in darker skin types.
∙ Although extremely rare, damage to nerves/impaired sensation may occur in the treatment area, particularly in areas that occur closer to the surface of the skin such as fingers, the wrist, and the area behind the ear. Reports suggest this will disappear and normal nerve function will return within several months.
∙ Lesions that are on a skin area with coarse thick hair follicles will commonly cause permanent alopecia within the treatment area.
What Our Clients Say

Great treatment, thank you