With all male Waxing treatments regardless if it is a simple male back wax , intimate Brazilian wax or a full body wax it is really important that you read and follow your aftercare guidelines that have been provided after your Waxing treatment to ensure that you get the best results and that you know what to expect over the first few days.
Certain areas of the body may react much stronger than others and of course factors such as the coarseness of the hair, the amount of body hair, sensitive skin and for those clients who may have recently shaved or clippered their hair, or used any hair removal creams they may react more to the Waxing treatment as their hair texture and regrowth will be different.
For most clients it is normal for the skin to feel a bit tender and you may have some bumps on the skin, for areas like the chest and the pubic mound the reaction can be a bit stronger and a few spots may appear over the first few days. This is more likely to occur when Waxing areas with thick hair, especially the first few times when the follicles are strongest. Generally for most clients the reaction settles down after 24-48 hours. If the reaction does persist then don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns
For a lot of my virgin waxers they do find that if they take anti histamine on the day that they wax and for a few days afterwards that this really helps and settles the skin reaction much quicker, when combined with your normal Waxing aftercare routine this should make a huge difference. You do however need to check with your GP or pharmacist that it is okay for you to take anti histamine and if so the once a day variety is fine or you may prefer to use an anti histamine cream applied directly to the skin.
Okay so lets keep the guidelines nice and simple and easy to follow; in simple terms then basically keep the area as clean dry and sweat free as possible to avoid heat, friction and bacteria for the first few days.
For torso Waxing (back and chest Waxing) bring a clean cotton t-shirt to wear after your Waxing and for any male intimate Waxing clean loose fitting boxer shorts are always a good idea.
Excessive quantities of caffeine can for some clients cause greater sensitivity during the Waxing treatment so avoid any excess on the day.
- 1. Avoid excess exercise (no gym, or excess sport that will cause sweat and perspiration)
- 2. No steam rooms, Jacuzzi , hot tubs or the like
- 3. No sunbeds, spray tans or fake tan applications
- 4. Avoid hot showers or baths – lukewarm is fine
- 5. No swimming pools
- 6. Keep your hands off the waxed skin where possible
- 7.Avoid sun exposure up to 48 hours before your Waxing.
- 8. Only use products on the skin that are recommended.
- 9. Do not exfoliate the skin for the first few days
- 10. Antiseptic creams can be applied for the first few days.
Loose clean clothing is advisable for just after your Waxing treatment as the skin may feel slightly tender in certain areas and tight clothing may cause friction and discomfort.
With ingrown hair I always feel prevention is so much better than cure!! So after a few days and when the skin does not feel tender exfoliate GENTLY using a suitable skin wash that offers some cleansing and anti bacterial benefits and combine this product with an exfoliating wash cloth like A Bit of Rough or something similar. Do not exfoliate
Hair should be 5-6 mm for a nice smooth finish.
Electrolysis uses a diathermy current to cauterise and permanently destroy the hair follicle at its root. It is suitable for all areas of the face and body. Each hair is treated individually regardless of it’s thickness or colour. Large areas of dark unwanted hair may be more suitably treated with VPL (variable pulsed light). During your hair removal consultation all options will be discussed with you to ascertain which method would be most suitable. A complementary consultation and patch test are required prior to your first full treatment.